Terms & Conditions for Customized Paintings
Terms & Conditions for Pastel Painting:
- Cancellation: 10% of the full amount will be withhold before draft completion; 50% of the full amount will be withhold after draft completion; 100% of the full amount will be withhold upon painting completion.
- Artist reserves the right to use the art for self-promotion (i.e. website, portfolio).
- Grant of any rights is conditional upon payment in full.
- All rights not expressly granted remain property of the artist.
- Client may not edit, correct, adapt, modify or change the finished artwork in any way without written permission from the artist.
- All sketches and preliminary work remain the property of the artist.
- Revisions which are not the fault o the artist will be billed separately.
- Client will indemnify and hold the artist harmless against any claim arising from the artist's reliance upon reference material provided to the artist by the client.
- This document takes precedence over any other document pertaining to this job.
Terms & Conditions for Oil Painting:
- Payment terms: 50% due upon order placed at Joy Paw's website; 50% due upon painting completion and order shipping.
- 2% per month will be applied to overdue payments.
- Cancellation: 10% of the full amount will be withhold before draft completion; 50% of the full amount will be withhold after draft completion; 100% of the full amount will be withhold upon painting completion.
- Artist reserves the right to use the art for self-promotion (i.e. website, portfolio).
- Grant of any rights is conditional upon payment in full.
- All rights not expressly granted remain property of the artist.
- Client may not edit, correct, adapt, modify or change the finished artwork in any way without written permission from the artist.
- All sketches and preliminary work remain the property of the artist.
- Revisions which are not the fault o the artist will be billed separately.
- Client will indemnify and hold the artist harmless against any claim arising from the artist's reliance upon reference material provided to the artist by the client.
- This document takes precedence over any other document pertaining to this job.